Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Stories of Hope...

Thought you might be interested in first responses from readers... feel free to add your comments...

... I just wanted you to know I read your book today!!! Wow!!! This was a life changing book!! Since my journey of personal growth and Spiritual growth, I have read over a thousand books about getting more out of life, time management ,the meaning of life, and self-confidence just to name a few. Why did I read so many books including the Bible? What was I looking for? This book really hit home today. I could send you a book on the things I got out of Rethinking Reason!! I really pray that everyone is enriched with God's love that this book supplied. God Bless...

...I was so excited to find the copy of your book I ordered in my mail box today. I needed a book to read and I READ THE WHOLE THING. i JUST LOVED IT. i AGREE with everything you say. I've never understood why people had to argue over small differences. I plan on buying more of your books to send to some of my clergy friends. Thanks for all you do and for being you...

...your book is a Winner! I have only finished a few chapters but the timing is providential!! It is blessing me and saying things that are very important for the larger body to hear. I will explain more about the personal blessing later. I want to give quite a few away as year end/Christmas gifts...


Anonymous said...

I finished reading your book this am early....
Really did enjoy it......when I first got the copy from Kathy Flake......I thought, I'll knock this little book out in a few hours.
I love to read, always have a couple of books going on at the same fact I just started reading the book "Raid"..........about George Patton's heroic struggle to free his son-in -law as a POW in Hammelburg Germany .........

Any rate.....after the first Chapter or section in "rethinking-Reason", I said to myself.......NO!! ...I am not going to blast through this book, I am going to take the time to properly digest it's meaning and really dwell on the areas of importance.....and kinda' examine my us Catholics do before we go to "confession" and receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation...........what have I done right and what have I done that I am not so pleased with.............and have I truly followed Jesus and his Father's commandments...

So that is what I took me this entire week to read those 99 pages
I particularly like the Questions and the end of each section.........many I had Yes answers to...........but the NO answers far outweighed the YES!! so, it gave me a lot to think about, and what.or what else should I be doing..

As I mentioned to you ..I live in mid-town., you don't have to go far to see many of the things you talk about.....I have been reaching out for years.....but, I can do more. I give out blankets and clothing to the homeless in mid-town, a few dollars to those who are really in need of a McDonalds, work a Holy Names soup kitchen every once in awhile, ...........and I have been to the Synagogue , the Greek Ortho Church, Calvary Episcopal, .........and other churches on several occasions......but never to Mississippi Blvd, or Mid-Town Baptist CME.....or even attended Mass at Holy Names Catholic Church, one of the poorest areas in town...............
Thanks for thinking of me.............I will get some additional copies and give to my friends...

Glad we got to know each other somewhat over these last many months...........Hope Church will always be a part of my religious experiences I have had the privilege to encounter.

God Bless,

Anonymous said...

Hi Craig,

I just started your excellent book yesterday and couldn't rest until I tell you what an impact it is having on me. John & I live in Maryville, TN now and right next door is a Jewish family... Rachel, her non-Jewish husband Steve, and their 13 yr. old, Emily who proudly states she is half-Jewish. There are no synagogues in town, and certainly only a handful of Jews. After reading the chapter, "This is not a book about Joining Something", I felt moved to call Rachel, as I had not spoken to her in a long time. She asked if I was ready for Christmas, we chatted, and I wished her a Happy Hanukah. She started telling me that she put a menorah in a window even though someone had told her not to, as she'd be asking for trouble. Hearing that really troubled me and I told her if I knew where to get one, I'd put a menorah in my window too in support of her. Well, she started to cry. I think that touched her in ways I cannot know.

Thank you for sharing your personal stories in the book which give me courage to reach out and stop the judging. Since moving, I have bemoaned the fact that "I'll never find another church like Hope," ad nauseam. But what I sense today is that I carry Hope with me in my heart, thanks to you and the wonderful church family you shepherd. Now I'm off to Knoxville on a menorah-hunt!

Love & blessings at Christmas,

Anonymous said...

Your book was brilliant. I especially enjoyed his personal walk in finding God and Lee’s fight to overcome cancer. What a blessing.

Anonymous said...

...It is terrific!!!!!
I had the opportunity to review it prior to publication & it is very, very good!!!!!!!! It is an extremely thought provoking & engaging book. I highly recommend it.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the positive feedback. I'm listening carefully to all comments so feel free to post. The book's public release date is December 11th. It will be interesting to see what happens then. Thanks.
