You know, when the fall comes and the weather begins to cool off and day light savings time changes again, I’m reminded that winter is just around the corner. I always sense winter is here when the big Christmas tree goes up in Rockefeller Center. Before you know it, winter is here and it seems like it’s never over, and finally spring reminds us that the cycle of life is about to start again.
Life is like that. I’m getting old enough to realize I’m at least in the autumn years and winter is slowly sneaking up on me. Do you ever feel that way?
I don’t know about you but when winter finally arrives and I can see that I have far more days behind me than in front of me, I want to know that my life counted for something. I want to be remembered…but not so much for what I did as for who I was. I want to be remembered for being a good husband, a good father, a good grandfather. All the rest is just detail. I care the most about how my loved ones feel about me.
Sometimes we get so busy making a living that we forget to make a life. I think one of life's greatest challenges is moving from success to significance. I find that I have to be intentional about what I am doing to achieve real significance in life. How about you? If you're looking, there's always Hope!
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