"Craig’s book is a clear, compelling, and convincing call for the church to be the church!"
Bill Hybels, Senior Pastor of Willow Creek Community Church
“Craig Strickland is a bridge-building leader who can’t stop himself from reaching across chasms of all kinds. My prayer is that every person who reads this book would catch the wonderful disease that has so infected Craig.”
Bob Buford, Founder, Leadership Network
“My personal mission is to be involved in things that have potential for the 100X impact articulated in the parable of the sower. That is why I am pleased to endorse Rethinking Reason. In his new book, Craig casts a vision and speaks with authority as someone who is leading ministry that engages the community and is reaping exponential impact.”
“Craig Strickland is on of the most unique ministers I know. That's a compliment. He personifies a new brand of pastor leader who is not as much concerned about doctrinal and denominational identy as he is about modeling servant leadership and developing a servant people. Reading this book, lay and clergy alike will be challenged to rethink reason. The challenge may be painful, but it may also be transformational.”
Kemmons Wilson, Jr., Principal, Kemmons Wilson Companies
“Craig is a visionary, innovator, out of the box thinker and is in concert with the true mandate and mission of Christ. He is color-blind and unconditionally committed to serving others. One of life's greatest joys is finding God's purpose for your life and following it. Craig Strickland is in his "sweet spot" as a modern day church leader...he is also a personal hero of mine.”
About Craig
Craig Strickland is the founding pastor of Hope Presbyterian Church. Now approaching its 20th year, Hope has reached out to people and churches of all denominations and faith communities with a message filled with hope and guided by a commitment to servant-leadership at every level. Hope is truly a resource for the city and world lending its facilities to various community and nationwide events that further its commitment to people serving people.
Craig Strickland began a pastors’ network to serve the other pastors in the Memphis faith community which has expanded to include cities and countries around the world. He has found that leaders serving leaders, unconditionally, is a radically contagious principle.
Hope continues to serve the poor and disenfranchised in its own back yard in Memphis, Tennessee. Service has been at the forefront of this community of faith since its beginning in 1988. Eli Morris, Senior Associate Pastor at Hope, has given his life to making opportunities for people to become involved in inner city ministries while educating and coaching people toward racial reconciliation at every turn.
Under the leadership of Grammy and Dove Award-winning artist, Bruce Carroll, Hope is the home of a Worship Academy which has several purposes: it hosts two networks that meet monthly-one to network with other worship leaders and the other to network with Christian singer/songwriters-again, people helping people. Hope has built a state-of-the-art recording studio with its own label: The Grove Records. Hope has used the studio to record various Christian artists, church choirs, and bands literally all over the world. It is truly a one-of-a-kind ministry of servant-leadership.
Hope continues to be committed to servant-leadership at home and all over the world.